Saturday, January 03, 2004

Alex and Emma: Phew, man! Rob Reiner has made some great movies. (Stand by Me and The Princess Bride come to mind.) This is most definitely not one of 'em. Kate Hudson's many transformations and the chalk-in-the-eye scene made it bearable, but not memorable.

A bit of background: I'm the guy who walks out the theatre and listens to his friends argue over which scene gave the movie away for them, after which they simply waited for what they knew would transpire; you see the guy nod, hold his chin just so, and say nothing. Why? Because the ending was at least a bit surprising.

This same guy pegged this movie's big moment so well that he uttered the words not five seconds before it occurred. Let me tell you, folks: that is a sign of a very bad device. And the funniest part? I know how good this story-about-writing-a-story device can be: Adaptation. (I loved it.) Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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