Saturday, February 07, 2004

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark: My wife got me The Adventures of Indiana Jones for Christmas. It was a complete, and pleasant, surprise. I've loved Indy (Harrison Ford)... Well, since his movies came to TV, I guess, since I didn't get out to the cinema much as a kid. Now that I think about it, I loved that Atari game too, although I never came close to beating it.

You know what struck me, seeing the movie this time around? The number of similarities to the Star Wars trilogy. Many poignant notes reminded me of what I guess is Luke and Leia's theme, are something like that; Williams couldn't help but cross-pollinate, given the proximity of the two projects (by my way of thinking).

Then there are the images: some of the shots on the island, near the end of the movie, could be Tatooine. I half expected a jawa's oo-te-de! to startle Indy into firing that rocket launcher. A shot in the German submarine smacked of the Death Star's guts. And you have to admit, Marion's (Karen Allen) shots from the German plane sure looked a lot like Leia's oh-so-memorable shots from Jabba's barge.

Not that I'm complaining. I just thought it was neat. I really like this story. I don't remember his other adventures as well, to be honest, but something tells me this one's the best. We'll see. Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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