Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Jann Arden: Live at the NAC: We saw Jann at the National Arts Centre on Sunday night, but I couldn't decide if it was what I was watching or listening to... Not right away, anyway.

Jann's always a show... She's funny and open... really open. Over-sharing, I believe it's been coined? Anyway, Sunday was no exception. Stump the Band made another appearance; that's where Jann just starts singing any song that comes into her head, or asks the band to give her a chord, beat, etc., and it goes from there. Chaos, in other words. This one was the best I've seen (I guess this was my fourth time seeing her): I don't know what country song Maury was playing, but it was great; and then Russ ended the segment with Highway To Hell... Yeah, that was the highlight of the night.

A close second was when Jann got to the keyboardist (I don't remember his name... Some help here?) in her Introduce the Band segment. She told us he used to be a porn stand-in, and that we might have seen him in such masterpieces as In and Out of Africa, Beaver-ly Hills Cop, and - wait for it - Yank My Doodle, it's a Dandy. :-D

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