Friday, February 06, 2004

The Russia House: I'm sure my mom could write reams on the shortcomings and missed opportunities in this script; she's a huge fan of the book, and, I was going to say, of all le Carré's books, but I don't think that's true. The only one I've read, The Tailor of Panama (yes, after I watched the movie... I never claimed to be literate), didn't impress her, as I recall. That aside, I can't discount the points that Connery's casting garners; the woman simply adores him.

My opinion? Well, bearing in mind my ignorance of the available material, I thought the script was brilliant. Introduce the characters in a rude monologue, wrap them up in a sincere one. Connery was his brilliant (there's that word again, but come on, the man is brilliant) self. Pfeiffer was excellent; at no point did I doubt her nationality.

My one compliant was the soundtrack. I loved the jazz, but the other, far more prominent, stuff (if you can't say anything nice...) was out of place at the best of times, down right distracting at the worst... I could barely hear the conversation in the bell tower at one point!

But really, that's minor in the face of such smart work. And the best part? They played the key scenes again from Barley's (Connery) perspective for all those who missed it the first time. Perfect for slow sods like yours truly. :-)

Oh, and for those who care, I watched this in the evening. No rest (or snow days) for the wicked witnesses! Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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