Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Clean Sweep: Well, I'm breakin' one of the few rules I made for this blog: only blog on shows you've watched from beginning to end (unless it's bloody hours of Lord of the Rings extras... a man could perish tryin' to watch those in a sitting). In this case, I caught five minutes while I was makin' a cup o' tea. But those five minutes got me thinkin'...

They're gettin' to that point in the show where the loser (no, I'm not passing judgment here; one person sells more than the other... more than the loser) has to give away their prized possession, and the woman is bawling over... a crib.
Meanwhile, John's thinkin'...

What the f*** is the matter with her? It's a crib. She doesn't have to give up the kid. This is immediately followed by, You hypocrite! What was your reaction upon first seeing this show? Shame is flooding over me as I remember violently cussing the show, talking about the torture of giving up your most prized possession, and what would happen to blondie if she touched my Lego.

But ya know what, folks? I'm happy to say I'm changing. I've heard that it's the friendships, the people you meet, your family, that you remember fondly at the end of your life, not your car, your cabin, your island. I bet that woman would be devastated if her house burned down, even if everyone got out alive.

Uh, no, thanks. I'll pass on that; take a page from Neil's book:
Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat... Course, he was talking about people too... I'd have plenty o' time to scoop my wife up in those 30 seconds, though. It's all good. Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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