Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: 1984, eh? Man, you can tell
Lucas was just finishing up with
Star Wars for a bit... A crazy mine cart chase, silly I-wouldn't-kiss-you-if-you-were-the-last-man-on-earth banter and swinging across deep chasms. Don't get me wrong; it was a lot of fun. It just went for too much, too often. (Like, why whip the kids? Why even use kids as slaves? So that we know they're bad guys? The human sacrifice made that abundantly clear, 'K., George?)
The premise was good, though. They could've done a lot with origin of the stones. Yeah, right up until the kid stumbled on screen with a valuable, ancient manuscript, I was on board. Ah well, did you notice
Dan Aykroyd's... I was going to say cameo, but the
IMDB credits him, so I'll say "small part?"