Sunday, April 04, 2004

Intolerable Cruelty: It opened with Donovan Donaly (Geoffrey Rush) wildly shooting his pistol and photographing his butt... Tell me you're not intrigued. It ended 90 minutes later. No concern over whether the audience would feel gypped: "What? I paid $13 for this show! Where's my two hours?" The story's told; hope you enjoyed it; good night.

I don't know where the Coen brothers (Joel and Ethan) find the time to make all these movies. And what's shocking is how many are good. I mean, yes, the acting is great in this one, but I can't help thinking that, under less precise direction, it would've unraveled a bit; you'd see the creases, get caught up on the rough bits. But this... this is a well-oiled machine: Cedric the Entertainer has just enough screen time to deliver a hilarious performance as Gus Petch, George Clooney's close-ups linger just long enough for him to deliver great expressions, Catherine Zeta-Jones' mask is complete, until that moment... and then the movie's over.

Just great stuff. I never thought I'd say this, but Clooney is becoming one of my favourite actors. First Solaris (2002) and now this. What a range! I'm serious, folks: he's an actor! Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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