Sunday, April 18, 2004

Planet of the Apes (1968): I watched the DVD; heck of a spoiler on the cover. :-) Guess they assume everyone knows they crash on Earth.

I tried to imagine what it would be like to watch this when it was released. Neil Armstrong wouldn't speak his famous phrase until the following year, but people knew it was coming (based on the success of previous Apollo missions). They must've just ate this movie up.

I don't know why, but so many older movies have an excellent handle on pacing. I can't think of any recent releases that spent anywhere near the amount of footage that you see of the desert - no dialogue - in this movie; the music and the scenery are perfect, building the tension until it's unbearable, and then, the "scarecrows." *shudder* What a shot! Freaked the s**t out of me! I wouldn't be goin' for a swim 30 seconds after seein' that, let me tell you.

Taylor (Charlton Heston) does eventually turn things his way; gets a gun in his hands, of course. Most of the devices that prolonged his climb back to the top were overt (e.g., getting shot in the throat so he couldn't speak, attacking Zira (Kim Hunter) for her pencil and paper instead playing charades), but the story was still a good one, so I forgave a lot.

Taylor's relationship with Nova (Linda Harrison) reminded me of a poignant scene in Birthday Girl: Sophia (Nicole Kidman) tells John (Ben Chaplin) that he isn't the only man who's been duped by her mail-order-bride routine. In fact, she's done it so many times that she's been able to hone it. Her trick? Pretend that she doesn't speak or understand English. The blokes fall quicker then. I guess they project everything they want right on her then; no speakin' her own mind to muck up the fantasy. Same goes for Taylor's bringin' Nova with him: what? She smiles at him, so they're an item? Doesn't say much for the male psyche, eh? Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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