Sunday, April 04, 2004

Trevor Tchir: Live at Café Nostalgica: It was good, getting down to the U of O campus again. I lived there for a summer, many years ago, a cheap sublet while the students were on break.

Tchir is a local talent, as far as I can tell, although he's from Alberta. Why he chose to come to the nation's capital - and when - I don't know. He's a talent, though; no question. I saw him on a local breakfast show and was immediately struck by his voice; it's what gives him more power, more presence, than other folk singers. Now, I'm also a Bob Dylan fan, so the similarities in their styles and the tone of their lyrics doesn't hurt either.

Tchir's show was even better than the MP3s I downloaded from his Web site; he's comfortable in his skin, and that adds a lot.

A note on Café Nostalgica: My buddy's $20 sat on his bill for hours after he left. At one point, my wife and I even got up and wandered around the little café, and at no point was there concern over whether we had split without paying our tabs. It was great, and, I'd like to think, very Canadian. Of course, eventually, we settled up and my buddy's cash was picked up, but the freedom from concerned or accusing glances was great. Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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