Monday, May 24, 2004

Cambridge Spies - Part 2: Ah, man, what a f***-up! I had no idea that the first part was supposed to continue on for another hour and 45 minutes after a 15-minute Sunday Report. I watched Canada Votes for a bit, and just assumed that the "stay tuned for more Cambridge Spies" meant this evening's part. (I mean, I didn't think they'd expect me to "stay tuned" for an hour.) I guess Mr. Martin's calling the election forced them to preempt the movie for a bit... Maybe it started again at 11 p.m. Oh well, I'll never know.

So, what did I managed to get out of it, having missed the heart of the whole thing? Not a whole hell of a lot, unfortunately. And, to be honest, I don't think seeing the whole thing would completely reverse that sentiment. Some of it just left me wanting. For example, Donald's final scene, before Guy comes to escort him to Moscow, struck me as rushed and chintzy. I can see the director now:
O.K. Donald's been given up. Let's show that he's an upstanding gentlemen (a bottle of the drink goes in the trash), that he's decided to give up the life for good (a file goes in the desk drawer instead of the briefcase), and that he wants his family to be safe (swing goes up in the yard, wife says, "Is it safe?" Donald replies, "Yes"); but he's really talking about them, his family... Jolly good, on to the next scene... Blah, blah, blah...

They really needed to spend some time on that scene. It was important. But, on the other hand, some scenes were superbly done. For example, the scene where the Russian suggests that Kim should resolve the Homer inquiry: that final shot, when the Russian says, "Homer's lost," is just brilliant. I'll definitely watch the whole thing some day. *sigh* Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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