Saturday, May 22, 2004

In America: *sigh* That was intense: such raw emotion. Johnny (Paddy Considine) said he was a ghost - that God had twisted his wish and taken both him and his son - but for me, watching, this family, these people, were more alive and living out at the edge than anyone I know. All the yelling, the rage, the sadness, the happy moments... They were all so raw. It was exhausting.

These people can't even kick back at the movies, or the carnival. E.T.'s in heaven, but that's not good enough, so we're gonna throw down our rent money to win his fuzzy butt. Man!

I was awesome, though. Truly. That script... I'll have to watch the making-of, because that script must've been a book. Every scene, so packed with emotion... There's no way you write that with no breaks, no down time. That was, "O.K., is this light scene absolutely necessary? No? It's gone." Over and over again (I bet).

One last comment: that sex scene was amazing, for two reasons: 1) it was sexy, more so because it was a pair-bonded love, and 2) there was no nudity. None! Now, don't get me wrong: nudity is fine with me. I'm just sayin' hats off to the director for creating such a great moment without even the slightest of incidental nudity. Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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