Saturday, June 05, 2004

The Heart of Me: To me, this is a case of failing to add up to the sum of your parts. For example, there's a great nightmare scene where Madeleine (Olivia Williams) is reaching out for Rickie (Paul Bettany), telling him "No!" as he looks after Dinah (Helena Bonham Carter); it's been set up perfectly by an earlier scene, and makes for a very poignant moment, where we know how Madeleine feels. But that sort of follow through was rare. Most of the time I found myself flitting along beside what could've been a very powerful story.

And this, of course, is bad news for the latter half of the movie. (I was going to say 'climax,' but, you know, the movie didn't really have one.) Revelations like Anthony's (Luke Newberry) death have nothing to stand on, leaving Helena's superb reaction drifting... one of the great parts in this disappointing sum. Even worse, without serious investment - do I care about these people? - scenes like the rape descend into melodrama; from that point on, I was just waiting for the credits.

*sigh* So, yes, this could've been a powerful story, but the execution was, in a word, rushed. Oh, and the Blake poem? Broken Love. Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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