Wednesday, July 14, 2004

911: The Road to Tyranny: Alex Jones has created one heck of an argument. He takes it too far at times, but you can see why he's all riled up. Just looking at what was withheld from the Oklahoma City bombing trials - for national security - is puzzling; it's downright horrifying if you believe Jones' explanation. There's a reason why the government is still holding on to those surveillance tapes. What do they gain from it? What do they stand to lose by letting them out?

And Jones doesn't stop there. He reaches into the closet, drags out TWA Flight 800, urban warfare exercises from the 80's and 90's gone awry, and, of course, the events that inspired the documentary's title. And you want to know the worst part? He makes a lot of sense. When I talk with my friends and coworkers, when I overhear people in restaurants and coffee shops, I hear a lot of people looking for guarantees; maybe they don't use that word, but if they hear someone in power using words like "prevent" and "terrorism," and moments later using words like "security" and "safety"... well, they're hearing what some part of them wants to hear. They're accepting measures, making trade-offs, that would've raised eyebrows ten years ago, and would've had their grandparents s**tin' bricks.

But what if the threat wasn't big enough, wasn't imminent in the eyes of most? What if those in power were gettin' older, gettin' impatient for the time when they could deliver the words that the people would need to hear? Well, I'm sure you've got a few ideas, and, let me tell you, Jones has more than ideas. Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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