Friday, July 09, 2004

The Ladykillers (2004): I knew next ta nothin' about this movie before seeing it. Yeah, I'd seen the trailer, but, like I said, this after-work outing was my wife's idea; I guess I might've rented it one day...

Oh well, I did see it, so what'd I make of it? Well, it struck me as strange, until the credits started to roll and I saw Ethan and Joel's names; then it all made sense. Still didn't know it was a remake 'til I got home, though.

Tom Hanks... What can I say 'bout that guy? He was so in character I couldn't catch what he was sayin' most of the time; but what I did hear? Oh, I loved it. Even at his most long-winded, Dorr (Hanks) was a pleasure to watch because you believed in him.

Boy, the gospel music was somethin' else! Man, I might have to pick up that soundtrack. It isn't normally my cup of tea, but, come on, how could you not get excited by those performances? Heck, I'd probably be a believer myself if I'd grown up on that. Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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