Thursday, August 26, 2004

Norah Jones: Live at the NAC: Holy crap! The National Arts Centre was a sauna tonight! Even Norah's face was shiny, up there on the big screens. Oh, it was brutal. I thought I fared O.K. until I was chattin' about the show with my wife: now I'm thinkin' I nodded off at least once... Oh, come on! You've heard the woman's music: half her songs could be lullabies for cryin' out loud! And it was so hot... *sigh* I guess I missed Norah almost falling over a speaker. :-/

I should have opened this entry Norah Jones and The Handsome Band because those guys and gal are very talented in their own right; almost all the songs they played were written by combinations of them.

And while I'm on the subject of talent, let's make some room for the opener, Amos Lee. I was gonna write about this guy as soon as I found out he's a John Prine fan, and then he went and had a really impressive set. Not only that; the guy's stage presence is unbelievable: completely unassuming, and all the more hilarious for it. Yes, hilarious! He had the audience in stitches. What a perfect sense of timing. My wife said it was a good thing there was a break between the two acts, and I agree. He still made Norah look awkward and second rate between her songs. Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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