Saturday, August 07, 2004

Thirteen (2003): Holy crap! That was scary. I don't really know what to write about it... It's the first time in memory that I watched a movie and didn't notice any of the shots, the angles, the lighting, the score... nothing. I was completely absorbed in the story. Seriously, it looks me minutes to notice that the final scene in the kitchen was shot with a blue film.

That story... Well, Nikki Reid (who played Evie in the movie) is credited with writing the screenplay - along with Catherine Hardwicke, the director - and, get this, she was born in 1988! I'm still havin' a hard time graspin' the idea that anyone born in the late 80's is out of diapers, but, that aside, Reid would certainly know what it's like to be 13.

*yawn* What time is it? Let the nightmares begin, I guess. :-/ Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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