Saturday, September 25, 2004

Law & Order: The people who skip out on active duty? The same people who skip out on jury duty. My gut reaction to that statement was to take offense; I don't know what lengths I'd go to to avoid active duty - and, thankfully, that's O.K. - but I know I'll do my civic duty if I ever get the call. But, of course, that quote was a statement of fact (presumably) that I involuntarily took personally.

It's a hot button, no question. If the government had caught me early enough, I suppose I could've been persuaded to believe that they knew what was best for me; that they wouldn't put me in harm's way unless it was absolutely necessary. But now? No way. There's just too much goin' on; and while I don't claim to understand it all, even an inkling of the glad-handing ruins the simplicity of "defending your country." Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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