Saturday, December 18, 2004

Forensic Evidence: Fingerprints: Well, it isn't as polished as CSI - with that wicked choice of opening song, Who Are You by The Who - but it's a Canadian show that I'm proud of. You can learn a lot. The cases and investigators are real (at least, I'd be surprised to learn otherwise).

I hadn't heard of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), for instance. Now law enforcement can use palm prints as well, which typically make up 40% of the prints found at crime scenes. I'm assuming that in saying "the necessary storage space was prohibitive" prior to AFIS, the officer was talking about physical space.

The human side of the case always gets me too. The story doesn't end when the criminal is punished for his crime, and this episode was another example of that. One year after the victim's murder, and two years before the murderer's conviction, the victim's fiancée committed suicide. Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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