Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Battlestar Galactica - Season 1: Episode 4: Acts of Contrition: Well, that's the way to do it: watch the cliff-hanger partway through the week so you have less time to wait for the conclusion. (Well, other than waiting for the DVDs, I guess.)

I'm happy to say that this was a great episode; on par with the first one, in my mind. Not a lot of action, true, but lots of real, raw emotion, especially on the parts of Edward James Olmos, Katee Sackhoff and Jamie Bamber. I really believed that Commander Adama could barely contain his disappointment, rage, loss, upon hearing that his son, Zak, shouldn't have died in a Viper.

And let's give it up for good ole Canadian-born Donnelly Rhodes as the memorable Doctor Cottle! I think that was my favourite scene of the series: him lighting up a cigarette mid-diagnosis! :-D Man, I guess the last TV show I saw him on regularly - yes, he's made many guest appearances - was Danger Bay. Now there was a Canadian production in the great tradition of, say, The Beachcombers. :-) Ah, nostalgia. Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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