Saturday, February 19, 2005

Immortel (ad vitam) (2004): Immortal, for life; it suits the film to a tee, no question. Very arthouse (at least as I understand the word).
Note: spoilers follow...

I'm glad I knew nothing about this movie prior to seeing it. A coworker asked me whether I wanted to go and that was that. It made that first shot of a future New York cityscape so powerful. Of course, by the same token, it made for a lot of confusion and guessing; I don't know whether reading Bilal's La Foire aux immortels would've mitigated that, but I doubt it.

Bilal experimented with a few art forms in the movie, most often to great effect. For instance, the humanoid hammerhead bounty hunter - a synthetic dayek, I believe it was called - was all the more menacing because its metal teeth scraped as it moved and breathed. Put that character beside the computer-generated imagery and it really stands out.

And that brings me to the form that didn't always work: some of the CGI characters. The gods looked pretty good, but any of the more animated - in the excited sense of the word - humans looked stiff. As my coworker said, it was like watching a video game trailer at times.

That aside though, it was a fantastic film, in the best sense of the word. Really beautiful and alive. Bilal's wonderful imagination more than made up for the disjointed story and sometimes inadequate animation. Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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