Tuesday, February 01, 2005

O Brother, Where Art Thou?: Well, I can safely say I knew nothing about this movie prior to watching it, save that it was of the Coen brothers (Joel and Ethan). Thank goodness I caught the writing credit at the beginning, or I would've been completely lost: even though I haven't read the Odyssey, it still gave me a point of reference; the epic nature of the story, if you will. Incidentally, I don't think they had to give Homer credit. Given that the work is in the public domain, I think they were free to use it as they saw fit. Again, though, glad they did.

I have got to buy that soundtrack! Holy Hannah, what a beaut! Unlike the digital effects of postproduction, I was completely aware of the soundtrack's making the movie; it was the heart of so many scenes. Once I watched the feature on the film's postproduction - included on the excellent DVD - the colouring's essential role in the movie also became clear, but only afterward. I think that speaks to a job well done - that it wasn't jarring or out of place - but, at the same time, clearly shows me I'm no director. :-P Not even an armchair one.

Now, I've said it before, and I'll say it again: George Clooney is one hell of an actor. He had me in stitches more than once, and while, yes, the writers deserve a lot of the credit for that, his delivery of those oft-complicated lines, his timing, everything was spot-on. The whole cast should be praised; heck, I barely recognized John Turturro, who apparently derived great inspiration from the fake teeth he had to wear. :-)

Just a treat all round; truly. I know a lot of people give the Coen brothers a hard time over Fargo (1996), but I have to say, I really like their style. (I can't speak on Fargo; frankly, it's been too long. I hardly remember it.) Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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