Friday, February 04, 2005

Super Size Me: Ugh. Man. We went through the DVD in order, finishing with the Smoking Fry feature. I almost lost it, watching that Chicken McGrill become ooze as the weeks passed. :-/ For me that was even worse than seeing him puke after getting the McChills and the McSweats - he's a funny guy - :-) on... Day 3, wasn't it? Really early on, anyway.

Assuming he was on the up 'n' up, the idea of food failing to decompose after ten weeks, under normal circumstances, really horrified me; those fries did look like he bought them yesterday. But that wasn't the only thing that really hit home. Sodexho runs our cafeteria at work - Think clients first my a** - and seeing those kids line up for fries, what they had at their tables, I just kept thinking, "How can they learn with that in their stomachs?" And right after that, about how many people grab an order of fries and head back to their desks at work.

And let's not forget how Morgan rocked his body in just 30 days. The fact that the GP he was seeing compared his liver damage to Nic Cage in Leaving Las Vegas shocked the crap outta me. I mean, that's nuts! Oh well, he seems to be in good spirits now, so hopefully no permanent damage was done. Reading blogs at work? Click to escape to a suitable site!
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